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CSTD Satellite Tracker

The window on your right shows a display of Nigeria’s Space Assets. These include Nigeria Sat-1,Nigeria Sat-2,NigcomSat-1R.

To view any of the satellite click on the drop-down menu and select the satellite to view.The text box at the bottom of the window tells the the time the satellite will be above your current location.

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cstd blog posts


  • Hubble goes hunting for small main-belt asteroids
    on April 18, 2024

    Astronomers recently used a trove of archived images taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to visually snag a largely unseen population of smaller asteroids in their tracks. The treasure hunt required pursuing 37 000 Hubble images spanning 19 years. The payoff was finding 1701 asteroid trails, with 1031 of those asteroids uncatalogued. About 400 of these uncatalogued asteroids are about below a km in size.

  • Dubai floods seen from space
    on April 18, 2024

    Image: Dubai floods seen from space

  • ESA selects four new Earth Explorer mission ideas
    on April 17, 2024

    As humans exert greater pressure on natural processes, understanding the intricate workings of our Earth system is increasingly vital for effective action on mitigation and adaption strategies. ESA’s Earth Explorer missions yield a wealth of astonishing findings, serving as the bedrock of scientific research in this field. Now, four new concepts have been selected to undergo assessment study, one of which is destined to be the twelfth in this family of world-leading satellite missions.

  • Ariane 6 launches: is it a plane? Aircraft spotting with ISTSat
    on April 16, 2024